Coral Nurseries & Targeted Restoration

I've designed and installed various types of coral nurseries and experimental arrays for numerous projects around the world. I customize each system to the project objectives, the biological requirements of the coral species to be propagated, and the physical parameters of the installation site (i.e. substrate type, accessibility, etc.). I've also extensive expertise in collecting, handling, and mounting corals for propagation in aquariums, nurseries or experimental field arrays.


In 2013, my institute launched a targeted coral restoration project in the Bahamas, in collaboration with Fabien Cousteau's organization, Plant-a-Fish and the Elizabeth Harbour Conservation Partnership. The objective is to restore live coral cover to damage caused by the vessel grounding on the reef. I led the design and installation of a 9-array coral nursery located in the seagrass meadow behind the grounding site. To date, the nursery grown corals we've explanted to the restoration site have shown ~85% survivorship and optimal growth rates. For more details on this project: Fowl Cay Reef Restoration