Experiential Education & Citizen Science

My philosophy is that science is best taught as a verb, and not a noun. Additionally, the more ‘citizens’ we involve in the process of science, the greater the understanding and ownership of the processes affecting our planet, and ourselves. I founded SUSiE with the mission of advancing a new generation of ocean scientists and explorers. We’re succeeding in our mission by dropping students with a diversity of backgrounds full-stop into live research expeditions at sea, and under sail. The transformation in each and every one of our students has been remarkable. From learning to glue PVC to using pneumatic coring drills underwater, the act of participating in hands-on research empowers students to understand the science from an entire different perspective; one not easily taught in a classroom.

I developed iCORAL™ predicated on the emerging field of citizen science. The need for global monitoring of coral reefs at higher resolution, frequency, and scale is widely recognized. Unfortunately, there are not nearly enough scientific teams to even remotely accomplish this. However, there are 6+ million active SCUBA divers taking 3+ dive vacations annually to reefs around the world. iCORAL™ aims to rally these divers, as citizen scientists, to utilize their SCUBA skills to collect valuable imagery data when and where they vacation.